Fully automated heat and electrical testing

The luminaire testing device, as a compact testing device, enables the heating test of the luminaires to be carried out fully automatically and flexibly.

EN 60598-1 standard for CE marking

To obtain a CE marking, detailed information is required on the thermal, electrical, IP protection class and mechanical properties according to lighting standards (EN 60598-1) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. To obtain the European safety mark, every test must be submitted to official approval departments.

The tests for electrical and thermal functioning according to EN 60598-1 are performed fully automatically by Delphin's luminaire testing device.

The testing device is made up of a wall mounting housing / instrument cabinet (optional slave system) (500 x 500 x 300 cm) which comprises all the required measurement technology such as the Message hardware.

Each luminaire testing device is equipped with 16 thermocouple connectors and a power switch for feeding test voltages at factors of 0.9, 1.0, 1.06 and 1.1 of nominal voltage. The 16 thermocouple connectors are assigned to 2 measurement circuits or 4 when using a slave unit. If more then 16 thermocouples are required, the units can be supplied with up to 64 thermocouple connectors.

The measurement circuits provide connections for test samples such as electronic ballast lamps, ballast lamps, transformer lamps, incandescent lamps as well as for the latest LED lamps.

Operation takes place via an interface to a standard PC that is equipped with networking capabilities. Included in delivery is user friendly windows-functioning software, which can be installed on multiple PCs, for configuration, data archiving and report generation. Any number of master / slave units can then be operated from a single PC with thermal testing being performed in accordance to EN 60598-1.

We also offer on-site DAkks calibration of your equipment (DAkks is the national accreditation body of Germany).

With the luminaire testing device, fully automated the functions of electrical and heat testing according to EN 60598-1.
With the luminaire testing device, fully automated the functions of electrical and heat testing according to EN 60598-1.


Applications in testing laboratories – always extendible

The luminaire testing device is designed so that a master unit – i. e. the lowest configuration level – can be extended at any time with a slave unit. With one basic master unit, users receive two measurement circuits that can each have assigned 16 thermocouple inputs / connector capacities for single or dual flame luminaires.

A slave unit then provides two additional measurement circuits (circuits 3 and 4) with another 16 thermocouple inputs, giving a 4-flame luminaire master / slave system with up to 32 thermocouples. It is of course also possible to carry out independent measurement of multiple test samples

Additional master / slave systems as well as separate master units can also be integrated into the system. The associated software is then reconfigured to make the units operational with each providing up to four measurement circuits.

Ready for the future – power measuring unit for secondary values

By using an additional power measuring unit (easily positioned on the master unit), the master unit can then acquire – for measurement circuits 1 and 2 – electrical secondary values for electronic ballast lamps or LED lamps and can output the results to the required protocols and reports.

A single PC as operating base

The entire measurement procedure can be operated from a single operating system (from Windows XP onwards). An SQL database enables access to the measurement data even from other PCs. Data can then be accessed by any user at any time.

The complete software package comprises

  • Database Editor – to update lamp components, testers, etc.
  • Configurator – to generate and update measurement runs
  • Luminaire testing device – to commence independent measurement runs for any number of lamps
  • Report generator – to generate industry or test required protocols in different languages
  • Win 3.11 converter – to convert protocols and measurement runs from previous Delphin systems


Automated test runs

The simple to operate software for the luminaire testing device, functions on any standard PC running under Windows XP or higher, and enables the input of all relevant test parameters. The test runis broken down into test phases and runs automatically following system start.

It is possible at any time to interrupt a test phase and then to re-start. At the end of a test run the test protocols can be output either for industry or test agency requirements in German, English or French.

Recording all relevant data

Electrical values (voltage, current, power), both primary and secondary, are measured as well as temperatures during the test run. For electronic ballast lamps and LED lamps, the additional power measuring unit enables electrical data recording per lamp circuit. Lamps with high-frequency supply, e. g. LEDs, can also be precisely measured with the additional power measuring unit.

A resistance-measurement module has been specifically developed for measuring winding resistance. R-cold and R-warm and winding temperatures can be determined.

Testing according to EN 60598-1

  • Cold measurement of winding resistance for inductive ballasts
  • Warm-up phase, electrical measurements post warm-up
  • Tests at normal operating conditions as well as at factors of 0.9, 1.0, 1.06 and 1.1 times nominal voltage
  • Testing abnormal operation at 1.1 times nominal voltage
  • F-test
  • Temperature fuse test and half-wave operation

Test samples

  • LED luminaires and operating units
  • Luminaires with ballasts (inductive, capacitive)
  • Luminaires with electronic ballasts
  • Low-voltage transformer luminaires
  • Electronic low-voltage transformer luminaires
  • Luminaires with energy saving transformers (US-luminaires)
  • Luminaires with high intensity discharge lamps (HQL, NAV)

Software for luminaire test device - Multiple program sections

The luminaire testing device software has multiple program sections. The program sections then make up the entire thermal and electrical test procedure according to EN 60598-1.


The Configurator is the basis of the luminaire testing device software. The Configurator is used to set the test type, test procedure and test parameters such as device driver ballast type, temperature measurement points, test etc. This data is then stored in (*.lpk) container files and started using the luminaire testing device software.

Automated testing using the luminaire testing device

The assigning of measurement circuits and points takes place in the "luminaire testing device" program section using the Configurator's container file data. Following assignment, testing is performed automatically according to EN 60598-1. A separate window is displayed for each measurement circuit showing, in log mode, the test phase being performed. Also displayed are current temperatures and their actual level of steadiness.

Electrical values can be measured and displayed at any time by manual intervention. It is also possible to display the actual temperature profile from the outset of the measurement process.

Standardized protocol generation

A report generator, which can be installed on additional PCs, enables the generation of standardized and testing agency approved test protocols for each test run. Ambient temperatures are then normalized and all measurement data converted to a room temperature of 25°. Output then takes place to a monitor, printer or PDF document and is available in English, French or German.

As well as the type of data required by test agencies, it is also possible to output industry-based protocols with detailed information for display or print.

SQL database for recurring input

An SQL database is installed on the test stand PC and can be used to store a range of parameters. The included Database Editor enables the input of temperature measurement points and definitions as constant elements, as well as input of the equipment being used, e. g. electronic ballast type, lamp labelling and nominal data, tester, customer data etc.

Any authorized person can have access to this database from any PC workstation.

Opening and converting previous measurement data

The success story of automated luminaire testing to EN 60598-1 is a long one. Lamps were being tested with Delphin systems even during the era of DOS and Windows 3.x. The latest software includes a converter that enables the opening of former data files, protocols and procedures. This avoids having to completely reconfigure upgraded systems

  • and enables reintegration of old-version protocols,
  • as well as the rerunning or upgrading of old-version measurement procedures.