Sequence controls

The sequence control module can be used to program function sequences for automation

Display process flow control with structure diagrams

Sequence control with structure diagrams plays an important role in industrial automation technology. These diagrams make it possible to visualize and control complex processes and sequences. By using structure diagrams such as flow charts or status diagrams, companies can make their production processes more efficient and minimize sources of error. The importance of this process control lies in the fact that it provides a clear overview of the entire process and makes it possible to analyze, optimize and automate individual steps. This enables companies to save time and resources, increase productivity and improve the quality of their products. Sequence controll with structure diagrams is therefore an indispensable tool for industrial automation technology to effectively control and monitor complex processes.

Every test sequence, test and process sequence can be represented in the form of a structure diagram with just a few graphic components. In the structure diagram, the application is graphically structured step by step according to defined rules and displayed in the form of building blocks and links. When creating and maintaining applications and programs, the structure diagram provides a complete overview, even for complex projects. Each block in the structure diagram stands for a corresponding task part. Each task can be broken down into modules in as much detail as the user deems necessary.

Function sequences can be programmed for automation with the sequence control module

Programming by Selection

The blocks in the structure diagram are containers for the program code. Clicking on the symbols opens the blocks for creating the program text, whereby exactly the program block that is assigned to the respective process part is opened.

With the software ProfiSignal Klicks is an object-oriented language that differs from conventional languages (e.g. VisualBasic, C++ or Java) in that not a single program line needs to be written and therefore no commands or syntax need to be learned.

The way to this completely new type of programming is via keywords and knowledge lists. The user's task is simply to click on the keywords in the knowledge lists using ProfiSignal and select the appropriate one (programming by selection). The program text looks as if it has been typed in as normal, but in reality it was created completely with just a few mouse clicks.

No special knowledge and almost no training is required. The engineer or scientist, equipped with the knowledge of his application, can create his programs himself without special knowledge.

Visualization + programming/configuration = process sequence control

Thanks to the simple creation of visual diagrams and the intuitive programming technology, you as the user create your application directly. These are generated from simple displays with simple on/off switches to complex process sequences or test bench applications with parameter entries, process sequences via visualization and automatic reporting.

The ProfiSignal Klicks software is optimally adapted to the Delphin Testing and measuring devices and enables direct read or write access to the hardware channels in the source code or with visualization objects.