Flexible and autonomous monitoring

With the software channels, the measured value acquisition becomes an automation and monitoring system as well as an online analysis system.

Realise and execute monitoring and automation tasks easily

The Delphin measuring and testing devices have extended functions that are summarised under the term software channels. The online measurement data is calculated with the software channels and then used for visualisation, storage or control. 

In this way, entire programme sequences can be configured very simply and intuitively with the regulation and control function. These then run autonomously without PC support. This is how you use your data logger effectively, also as a monitoring device or PLC replacement.

The software channels enable functions such as limit value monitoring, integration or online calculation and are configured very easily. This means that even users who are not experts in programming can easily implement their own monitoring tasks or balancing independently in the unit.

Analysis and acquisition

ChannelDescriptionfor example for ...
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.AccumulatorTime independent addition of measured valuesTotalisation of analogue measured values
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Operating hours counterAccumulates the time of the high level of a digital signal in hoursDetermination of the ratio of duty cycle / off-duty cycle of a machine
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.DifferentiatorCalculation of changes over timeGravimetric dosing in the laboratory
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.IntegratorNumerical integration over timeCalculation of volume from flow
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.LinearizationCorrection calculation of non-linear sensorsLinearisation of an application-specific PTC
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Mean Kinetic TemperatureCalculation of the Mean Kinetic Temperature according to the formula by J. D. HaynesTemperature monitoring during storage and transport of medicines and foodstuffs
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.AverageCalculation of moving and triggered averagesMeans of high-sensitivity signals from therm
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.CalculationAny number of channels can be calculated with each other, functions are: Basic arithmetic operations, trigonometry, binary and boolean functionsTemperature difference of two input temperatures
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.CounterCounter for pulses (up, down and reset function)Energy pulses to enumerate kWh


ChannelDescriptionfor example for ...
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.EventTriggering an e-mail dispatchE-mail notification when limit value is exceeded
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.LimitGeneration of an event when the threshold value is exceeded (over / underrun, persistence, hysteresis, band monitoring)Alarm when a storage temperature is exceeded
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.System monitorDisplay of system information (CPU load, memory utilisation ...)Alarm when data memory is full
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.
Collective faultGeneration of an alarm from many digital input channelsAlarms from different system parts are combined into one message
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.StatisticsCalculation of moving and triggered statistical values (min, max, variance, standard deviation)Determination of the maximum value of a test
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Status filterSuppression of certain status messagesRemoving irrelevant status messages
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Status generatorSet the status of a channel manually or event-controlledSimulation of error chains
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Status monitorEvaluation of the status information of a measured value and generation of an alarmAlarm on wire breakage of a mA signal
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.StopwatchTime measurement between two eventsDetermination of the switching time of a valve or thermoswitch
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Tolerance filterForwarding of measured values only from a defined deviation from the last output measured valueSuppression of interference signals, reduction of memory requirements
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.ClockDefinition of date and time or parts thereof as channelOutput of the current time
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.AlarmclockGeneration of a pulse at absolute calendar times (once per day, week, month ...)Determining the daily statistics of a production


ChannelDescriptionfor example for ...
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.FlipFlopRS-, JK-, D-FlipFlopStorage of digital states
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Impulse generatorGeneration of cyclic pulsesTime synchronous every 15 min. energy meter reset
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.LogicAND, OR, NOT, XOR, NOR ...Boolean operation of any digital signals
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.VariableStorage of constants and parametersProcess constant
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.PID contollerVersatile configurable P, I, PI and PID controllerContinuous control of a process variable
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.PWMGeneration of a square wave signal with variable frequency and variable pulse-pause ratioControl of an electric motor
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Shift registerDelayed measured value forwardingCyclic redundancy check
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.SequencerCreates multiple tracks of slopes, steps, curves - Time-controlled and/or event-controlledControl of measurement sequences and processes
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.SetpointAutomatic execution of setpoint curves with reset, hold and start triggersAutomatic start-up of a temperature ramp for a climatic cabinet
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.TriggerGeneration of a logical signal when a trigger event occursStart of a temperature recording when a limit temperature is exceeded
Autonomous monitoring - easily implement and execute monitoring and automation tasks.Delay TimerFunctions of timers (on-delay and off-delay)Time-delayed start of a test sequence